Thursday, January 7, 2010

Random pictures

Here are some more random Pictures. She is almost a month already! It has gone by so fast. She looks so big and chubby in her pictures but she is actually so tiny. I love it! We went to Az last week and I have tuns of Pictures from our trip I'll be posting later.

Kevin is so cute with her.

Sucking her thumb

I Love her Lips

This tub is the coolest thing ever. Its called a Tummy tub. (Thanks Sunee) She loves it!


Mandy said...

I love all the pictures from the last post. How will you choose!! She is precious, Kevin! Keep the cute pics coming:)

Chantz H. Davis said...

Ok Manda, I hadn't seen ANY pictures which is hard to believe knowing your mom but i just have to say that she is absolutely GORGEOUS! You guys did good!

The Townsends said...

She is soooo...cute Amanda oh my goodness!!!!!...I cant believe how much she looks like her daddy she is precious!!!.....

Markee said...

She is darling!! I love the picture of her all wrapped in her blankets it shows how tiny she is!!

Linde said...

You should be so impressed. I haven't been on a blog in ages. But I had to see some pictures of her and she is so adorable. Miss you guys already. You are all so cute. By the way I love ALL the pictures that Heather took. How do you choose what ones to put on your wall? They are just way too cute!

Shana said...

She is so cute. Mom always has her decked out and I love it!

The Becks said...

I can't believe how big she is getting! Wow, I need to come visit asap!

Courtney and Landon Fowler said...

Amanda! She is freakin cute! and i'm not just saying that because all babies are cute. I LOVE her dark hair! She's beautiful! Congrats Mama! Oh, and I can't see the pictures on the website because I need some sort of password... do you have it? I wanna see more pics!!

nancyfinlay said...

Amanda- This is Sister Finlay: Your baby is just beautiful. You look so happy. You will be a great mom. I was just blogging and ran into yours. I hope you don't mind.

Love Nancy Finlay

Anonymous said...

i love her lips too want to kiss them, hold her legs open mum while i do