was so much fun. We left Saturday morning and got there that night and headed straight to Denver and Megan finch's reception. It was really fun to see a lot of people right away. When Monday came I took all the kids to school that morning. Now I'm going to let everyone know that Kenzi doesn't let Just anyone take her to school so I felt pretty dang good about myself if you know what I'm sayin. Anyways well.. then she wanted me to go help in her class with her teacher so I did. .... not just Monday, I did Wednesday and Thursday. I would have helped Tuesday but we went to Show Low and Friday we went to mesa. haha it gets better...... Linde gets a phone call from Kenzi's teacher and she said Can Amanda come eat lunch with Keizi? All the kids want her too. So I hurried and got ready and booked it down there. Well little did I know after lunch was was like a 45 min recess so I pretty much played with ALL the kids. Not joking. We played hopscotch with a rock. There was a huge line waiting to play. Even the boys were in on it. Ohhhhhh my it was great. Kenzi loved every min of it. I did too cuz I got to spend time with her. We love going home cuz its just nice to relax. We went to the boys basketball game and they WON! heck yeah they kicked some trash too. Then on Friday we left for mesa. We stayed with Nate and Jen. It was a blast seeing their kids. We haven't seen them for a long time. And saw Timmy and Tori. We also went to a concert.. Thriving Ivory. It was a blast. It was Kyron, Kason and Shelbi's first one. ( I think) I forgot my camera of course. But we had a blast to get away. I love being with my family. We are crazy but we are very close and I love it. I miss them all the time. I got to see a lot of people not for long but it was fun.